

Fixed or variable electricity tariff: which is better?

When concluding a new power contract, you may choose from a fixed or variable fee for power. Both costs have their professionals and cons. Which is the great preference: the constant or variable energy tariff? Choose a hard and fast or variable power rate A function of the fixed price is that it does no longer alternate for the duration of the complete term of your power settlement. You consequently pay the equal price at some stage in your...

Saving power in iciness

Saving energy is always high-quality, but particularly in iciness! The cold and darkish days require a touch more power - literally. How are you able to warmness the house and still keep energy? We give tips that assist you store energy in winter! Rising energy expenses The state of affairs in Ukraine has currently led to a pointy rise in power expenses. We keep in mind that this increases the essential questions. View the frequently requested...